Tuesday, March 15, 2011


For the first part of today's class you will be creating your Literacy (they will be put on the walls). See the Literacy sheets given out yesterday and which group you signed up for.

When you have completed your literacy and posted it to the back wall, I would like you to complete a paragraph response. Your paragraph should follow the guidelines of a "good" paragraph as shown in previous blog posts. Essentially, explain what your literacy is (and each component) and its significance in relation to the book/cassette.

After we have asembled the back board and you have a chance to view the literacies and people's written portions, you will repond (comment/question) to two people's posts.

Have fun!


  1. I'm doing cassette 6. I decided to do a word search. In cassette 6, there are many key words that sum up what this section of the book (or Hannahs life) was about.
    Alcohol- Hannah got drunk at a party
    Clay- He's listening to the tapes
    Closet- Where Hannah hid during the end of the party
    Courtney- Courtney ditched Hannah in the hottub with Bryce
    Driving- Jenny was driving Hannah home and hit the stop sign
    Enemies- Hannah grew many of these near the end of her life
    Finished- After the hottub, Hannah knew she didn't want to live anymore. She wanted to give up
    Friendship- What Hannah longed for, and gave up trying to find
    Hannah- Who this whole books about!
    Hottub- Where Bryce and Hannah... yeah.
    Housesitting- What Hannah was doing before she got curious about Courtneys party
    Jenny- She was driving Hannah home when she hit the stop sign
    Music- Hannah heard the music from the party and became curious, so she decided to go creep the party
    Party- Hannah witnessed a rape at a party
    Police- Who Jenny called after she hit the stop sign
    Quitting- What Hannah decided to do to her life
    Rape- Jessica was raped at the party
    Stop- Jenny hit the stop sign
    Suicide- What Hannah was driven to commit
    Tapes- What Hannah made for 13 people to listen to hear her last words

  2. I chose to do a word search for cassette seven and then ending of the novel. I thought a word search would be appropriate because all the words I picked relate to everything that occurred within the novel. Also the idea of looking for words is like wondering who is next on the tapes and also the stars on the map, they have a meaning to them. And some words overlap like multiple people in Hannah’s story and life. As well it’s like when Hannah was trying to decide who is there for her and after a few fails it just does not seem like it is worth it. That’s like finding the beginning or the end of a word but it’s missing a few letters, frustrating. That’s why I picked the word search for my literacy project.

  3. For Casette Six (Side B) i chose a fortune cookie with the fortune "It has to get worse before it can get better". I chose this because Hannah was going through a bad part in life when she thought everything was going bad and it wouldnt get better. I think if Hannah got help and didnt kill herself that eventually she could live the life that she wanted to live. Highschool is hard for alot of kids, but after you get though it there is so much more to life.


  4. My literacy is about the death of Hannah Baker and how the rumors can affect somebody so greatly. Rumors took control of her life and it clogged her thoughts, her soul, that turned black. Friends that turned their backs on her regretted everything bad they said to her. People that thought her as nothing, but when she was gone, everyone thought her as something. I chose to do a newspaper article from the Lost-N-Found because it relates my literacy to Ryan Shavers tape and to the last tape of her death.

  5. (kwlkatz-A.K ) a.k.a Kiara. I like the words that you chose and i think they had alot of meaning to the book. Well done kwlkat. <3

  6. I chose to do a nice free-verse poem on casset 1. This is about when Hannah went to meet Justin at the park on the rocket-ship to fulfill her dreams. But sadly was the beginning of the end for her when Justin decides to start bragging cause the first rumours to start spreading. My poem relates to my part in the novel because it is about Hannah on the peak of the rocket-ship and staring at the stars. Only to then haveit all ruined by Justin's braging. Hope you like it :D

  7. I am doing Cassette 6, and I chose to do a Government Document- Drivers License, for Jenny. Jenny had a very small, but important role in Hannah’s suicide. I found it very ironic, doing a drivers license for the girl who had very poor driving skills. She caused the car crash, killing a young man, and I thought it would be appropriate to do a copy of her driver’s license. Jenny should not have been dricing that night, and I don't think Hannah should have blamed herself as much as she did. That is why I chose to do a driver's license.

  8. Cassette 7

    I chose to do a business card for Mr. Porter because he was Hannah’s counselor, and reason number 7. Mr. Porter could have prevented Hannah from committing suicide but he just joked around. To me all of Hannah’s reasons were not good enough, but she had no one to talk it through with. When she tried to talk to Mr. Porter he brushed it away. If Hannah had someone to talk to from the beginning she would most likely still be alive.

  9. To Emily.
    I liked your ponint of the drivers licence because it was simple yet it was a key point in the book.

  10. I didn't think it really mattered which cassette I chose for my idea of literacy. I chose to make a mock recipe that Hannah could have written. From what the book had shown, Hannah was a fluent speaker in Irony and Satire, so this kind of dark comedy seemed fitting.

  11. Emily:
    I like your choice, and i think you have a good point. Jenny did start the car crash, and Hannah had so many 'what if's?' from that night that she just blamed herself.

  12. In response to kwlkatz-A.K's first post.

    I thought you did a good job relating all the words to the novel. Over all good relation to the novel and your literacy.

  13. Jen! -

    "To me all of Hannah’s reasons were not good enough, but she had no one to talk it through with. "

    I think that's true, and that Mr.Porter is definitely one of the main causes of her death. All of the other times she had absolutely no one, because of a loss of trust, and to hear the one person you think you can trust, make you seem like you are overreacting, would break your heart. He could have taken her seriously, ( as a counselor should ) , and Hannah would maybe have reconsidered working through everything. Good job on your project and especially paragraph :)

  14. To Jen.
    I think you are correct about Mr.Porter, he could have helped Hannah with what she is going through but instead he took it too lightly. Also his business card no longer means anything because he didn't help and that is his job right?

  15. I chose cassette 1. Side A. That is where it all starts. The rumors, the snowball that started it. My literacy was a picture of a parking sign. Instead of saying "No Parking" I put no rumors. In life or death. To me it relates because this sign was obviously not obeyed and caused horrible things. I feel that if it were to be followed a lot of this would never of happened. No rumors, no bad reputation, is the recipe for one alive Hannah. What about you? Would you follow this sign?


  16. Caitlyn:
    I like how you tied the people overlapping in Hannah's life with the words overlapping in your word search a.k.a the key points in the novel. I liked how you did this because in Hannahs story she wanted everyone to tie together, and by using words that represented key points in the novel it followed the story line perfectly.

  17. In response to Jen's post.

    Well first off I believe that Mr.Porter was reason number 13 and tape number 7. Other than that I liked your business card and thoguht you did a good job on relating your literacy to the novel.

  18. Emily :
    Your idea was very creative and it shows how much attention you payed to the novel. It shows yet another person who was invovled in Hannah's life, but for some reason she didn't dwell on Jenny too much. Also, I liked who's picture you used for the license.

  19. For my literacy, I chose to do an IM between Hannah and Clay about their conversation at the party and what Hannah said on the cassette. It shows Hannah saying that she is sorry and Clay asking why and Hannah not responding. It shows that Clay had no idea why Hannah was sorry.


  20. Devon- "this sign was obviously not obeyed and caused horrible things. I feel that if it were to be followed a lot of this would never of happened."

    I liked what you wrote and this is slightly ironic, due to the other sign in the novel , that wasn't followed, which also caused horrible things. I don't know if you planned that, but that made me think! Good job!

  21. Devon:
    Your literacy was really creative. I really like it and I was wondering who's it was :)

  22. I did Cassette 7, and i did an IM conversation.
    I chose to do an IM converation between Skye and Clay because at the end of the story they just start to talk, so this way its like a type of closer for the reader. I didn't create an ending because i didnt want to jump to conlcusions. But it does leave your mind free to wonder and create your own endings.

  23. My cassette was cassette #2.

    For those of you who don’t remember, that was the one about Jessica and Tyler. I chose to do an anonymous advice column, which is a periodical type of literacy. I chose to do an advice column because I know that if Hannah got good advice on how to deal with the situations she found herself in, her life would have at least been less of a living hell. Hannah didn’t ever seem to want to talk to people though, she never talked about anything with her parents, and she only opened up to Mr. Porter when it was far too late. Perhaps she would have been more willing to get good advice anonymously, like in those “Ask Sherry” or “Ask Jenny” columns that appear in magazines.

    I wanted to have it be about giving advice and opening up because cassette two showed situations that could, more or less, be resolved. If I had a later cassette, I would not have chosen an advice column because Hannah had already accepted that she would commit suicide. Not to mention the situations were considerably more complex.

    The first issue was that Jessica blamed Hannah for her and Alex’s breakup. Yes, I know there were other details, but the basic issue is actually quite common. What do you do when your friend unjustly blames you for their breakup? Assume you didn’t know, wouldn’t you want to get some advice on what to do?

    The second issue was Tyler “peeping” on Hannah through her window. This issue is a little less common than the last, but wouldn’t you want advice on how to deal with him the next day? For me, the advice column just seemed to work.


  24. Becca!
    i think your idea was really cool. not just because thats what i chose to do too haha. I think it was a sweet idea to do a convo about clay and Hannah.
    Danielle Drew

  25. For my literacy, I did cassette 2. I chose to do a postcard of Monet’s Garden CafĂ© & Coffeehouse with the words Olly-olly-oxen-free on it. I chose this because cassette 2 is where Hannah meets Jessica and Alex, and they start their ritual in the garden. That is where Hannah, Jessica and Alex went after they had a bad day, but eventually they both turned on her. Monet’s started out as a safe haven for Hannah and ended up bringing painful memories. I think that it is very significant to the book.

  26. To Jen:

    I really liked your idea of doing a business card for Mr.Porter. He plays a big role to Hannah because he could have stopped her suicide. BUT He wasnt number 7, he was on cassette 7 and number 13. ;)

  27. To Anna
    I think the postcard idea is simple yet effective, because that was the last place Hannah felt safe and also the last place she thought she had real friends. From their fall out everything when downhill fast.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. In response to Amy’s comment:
    High school is a terrible place for a lot of people, but it’s certainly not unmanageable. Even Hannah, who had a horrendous time at high school, I think could have made it through alright. Then again, it’s hard for anyone to put themselves in her shoes, could you imagine what she must have been thinking during the whole ordeal?
    -Justin Jordan

    In response to Jacob’s comment:
    I like the idea, and I completely agree with what you said about Hannah and her soul. Eventually, the rumors were so overwhelming that she accepted them and let them ‘break’ her. The lies flooded over her head, but that’s what rumors do.
    -Justin Jordan

  30. For my literacy, I did a paragraph on the perspective of Justin Foley, and his reaction after finishing Cassette 5: side B.
    I chose this because using what I knew of him, wanted to be in his shoes and imagine what it was like after being reminded that he let a crime happen. It was a bit of achallenge to remake his character with the little information I had about him, but I had fun making it nonetheless.

  31. I chose cassette 2. I did a yearbook of Crestmont high school. I wanted it to be a reflection of my cassette in some way, so I put in the main caracters of the section including Clay, Hannah, Jessica, Alex, Tyler and Mr. Porter. I also included a picture of Monet’s because the majority of the first section of cassette 2 took place at Monet’s.

    In the yearbook, I wanted to put a photo of a happy Hannah, the Hannah before all the rumors started. In cassette 2, she wasn’t even considering suicide yet so I wanted the photo to represent Hannah before suicide was even a thought.

  32. In response to Emily:

    I agree that Hannah shouldn't have blamed herself as much as she did. She couldn't have stopped Jenny from driving that night. She tried, but I think that there was nothing she could have done to stop her from driving. The only thing that could have been done that may have helped is to call someone to report the falling stop sign but I'm wondering whether the police or whoever would have come to replace the sign, would have got there in time to prevent the accident.

  33. For my literacy, I went and made a comix strip of a scene from Cassette 4.
    In this comic, Clay has just recently gotten the tapes from his mom and re-enters Rosie's as he listens to more of Hannah's tapes. Tony comes in to find Clay with HIS walkman. Tony doesn't care as he sits down and orders a burger and leaves Clay to listen to more of the tapes. After, Tony leaves and goes to wait in his car. Clay finishes listening to cassette 4 and tried to pay for his milkshake before leaving Rosie's. The man behind the counter can sense something is up and says it's on the house. Clay then leaves and finds that Tony is still here. Tony invites him into the car for a ride to the next star on the map. he also wants to be there because Clay's tape is the one next.

    I chose to do a comic because I pictured Rosie's as a very quirky 1960's diner and I thought it would be fun to draw.

  34. In response to Shelby:
    I agree. I as well pictured her as a very smug person that used a little irony. Your literacy showed a bit of dark comedy. Niiiiiiccceeeee ;)

  35. In response to Anna:
    I really love the idea for a postcard for Monet's! It's a really cute idea. I'm sure if someone was visiting in town they would probably go there; I mean, it is a small town. Again, a great idea! :D

  36. I chose to make a recipe on how to make hot chocolate. I chose this because It relates to the fact that she never ordered any other drink from Monet’s other than the hot chocolate which I think gives off an impression of innocence. Hot chocolate is a very innocent drink; coffee is something older more mature people drink, or people trying to look mature. I think that even such a small part of the book gave off a radiance of innocence.
