Friday, March 11, 2011

The blogs of AWESOME

During the discussion and reading yesterday, several people commented on Hannah’s choice to focus on the negative components of her life, rather than look at the positive.

Since we have been dealing with some heavy issues in the book lately (and it’s Friday!) your blog post today will be about ‘something AWESOME’ that you like in your life.

Have a look at: This will give you some ideas for what you would like to write about and the style on which you could write it.

As well, remember to comment on two other people’s posts.


  1. It is around 9 O'clock and you decide to wash your sheets on your bed. You throw them in the washer for around 30 minutes. Then you throw them into the dryer for sometime. Not matter how late it gets, I always wait for my sheets to be dry. Even though I could easily grab clean ones from the closet. It is just best to sleep with freshly cleaned, warm sheets.


  2. #831 When someone names their kid after you

    I find this awesome, and have had it happen! My exchange student named her Japanese baby after me! And what bigger honour is there than having someone name there baby boy or girl after you, out of all the names in the world! Awesome!


    My friends are extremely supportive of me and I try myself to repay the favour. I try to be there for them in all their band performances.

    When I first arrive there, I can just see them get on stage with a bunch of nerves. They look so miserable because they are are solely focusing on:

    They get through the first song and come on for the second. Before the song begins they get a quick view into the audience to see if they know anyone. I sit there patiently wondering if they will see me. Anticipating when our eyes will lock together.

    When they finally see me, their face lights up and I can't help but smile with them. The nerves are gone. They have support and they can almost drown out the sea of strangers and pretend they are just playing for me.

    I swear I can almost see them internally sigh with relief.

    That one moment changed their whole performance for the night. And that is simply AWESOME!

  4. The world around you could be quiet with nothing but the sounds of the environment, or maybe the unimportant blur of noises or music in the background. The temperature in the air is just right, and you're just in that perfect state of mind to relax, could be while you're walking or just sitting in your room or a car. A perfect state of mind with nothing to ponder. This is where I just let my imagination construct my own world, my thoughts and creations all packed in the back of my mind come forth, I can pretend, I can think, any otherworldly dream or fantasy can be somewhat real for however long I can daydream. A world in my own imagination where anything is possible :)

  5. In response to Devon:

    Yes! I've totally done that. It was 10 o'clock at night and I waited up until 11 for the sheets to dry. Warm sheets are truly the best thing ever! Haha.

  6. I think the most awesome thing in the world is when my little brother shows me his muscles. That makes me smile so big and laugh because my little brother always shows me his muscles and pretends he’s so strong. He makes my day every time I see him because he always misses me. I can’t wait to see him some days because he just makes me smile. My little brother say’s in his manliest voice, “ come and feel my muscles Jacob,” and he makes me smile every time. I love him so much and I hope he stays the same forever.

  7. In response to Devon:

    Warm sheets are so great! Freshy washed/dried pajamas are so nice in winter too :D

  8. In response to Jacob:

    That is so cute! I agree, little kids are so cute, and get excited by the smallest things. I play with my little neighbours, and I can relate to wanting them to never grow up.

  9. To Ms. Emma-Lynn,

    I love doing that! When my friends are performing I always try to get a smile at them. But it is so embarrasing if you're waving and smiling at them. They don't notice but someone else does!


  10. In response to Jacob:

    I have to admit your post was a little repetitive, but it was adorable none-the-less.
    Really cute.

  11. I posted that last comment at March 11, 2011 11:11 am. Awesome? I think so!

  12. The feeling you have when you hear that somebody you have a crush on likes you back.

    The sound of a big flag flapping in really strong wind.

    When you master immitating a persons voice or how they walk.

    Realizing your mom just went grocery shopping.

    When you laugh so hard about a funny thing in the past with your best friend and nearly pass out!

    When you find a hilarious video on the internet that hardly anybody knows about and feeling like a champ for showing people.

  13. Addressed to THE Kiara Beckerley,

    What about when you show that video to other people with your friends and no one but your friends find it funny hahaha

  14. Something AWESOME:

    Who here can honestly say they’re not looking forward to the first sunny day of summer?

    A bright sunny day is almost always going to be a good day. The sun rejuvenates your environment and makes for good times. Perhaps the reason I like it so much is because it reminds me of all the summer holidays I’ve had before, when a day was wasted if it wasn’t spent outdoors.

    Another awesome thing I associate with summer days is the end of the school year. I’m not going to be so cheeky as to say “ I like the end of the school year best because it means I don’t have to do schoolwork anymore”, but I like then end of a school year much more than the beginning. Have you ever looked back on a school year, consider all of the friends you made, the things you did, or even the challenges you overcame, and just been utterly content? I know I have. Let’s face it, I like a happy ending, and what symbolizes happiness and an ending better than a sunny day? True, in reality the sun is a much better symbol of rebirth than of the end, but a good ending should never feel like a definite and final event, so a “rebirth” works.

    What about the end of year BBQ? Having time strictly for being happy with all of your friends out on the backfield on a warm sunny day is just awesome. Remember all the freezies and other treats the teachers would always give out around this time? Weren’t they awesome? True, you could have freezies or spend a day with your friends anytime you want, but isn’t it great when everybody’s celebrating?

    The sun, as a symbol of great happiness, is about as awesome as it gets.
    -Justin Jordan

  15. When you’re sleeping and the sounds around you turn into dreams J

    This is actually really funny when you finally wake up. I was having a dream and in the dream my grandma turned on the radio and started dancing. When I woke up, my radio alarm clock was actually going off playing the same song that was in the dream. My sister told me that the radio was playing for like 10 min and woke up everyone else in the house.

    I also love when you’re having a dream about falling off a cliff. You’re falling, falling, falling and then when you’re just an inch above the ground, you wake up. Dreams are weird.

  16. Something awesome:
    Those moments of hysterical laughter. The moments you always remember. The points in time that will always remain etched along your eyes and around your mouth, early wrinkles from adolescent fits of hysteria. The euphoria of losing yourself in laughter is one of the best feelings. Genuine, side splitting, tear jerking laughter; that's why we fall for the guys who make us giggle. That's the reason why when I'm feeling down, I go to google images and type in Michael Cera prance (I suggest you do the same), and any other celebrity memes.
    I can't wait to grow old with wrinkles from past smiles all over my face. :)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. In response to Emily's awesome quote,

    Having a baby named after to you is one of the biggest honours anyone can have. I agree with you completely

  19. #1001

    Snapping a Snapple! You know those glass bottles with the lids whose air pressure is sucking them down, just right to make the perfect sound when opened. When I crack the seal of my drink I make sure everyone is silent so I can hear the POP. That sound is like when you hold your tongue to the top of your mouth and then pull down except ten times better. It fills me with joy and I giggle like the girl I was or I guess still am. I find it amusing how something as small as opening a drink can make me smile, but they say it’s the small things that count.

  20. In response to Justin:
    Sun light is one of the best forms of therapy. From all the vitamin D that soaks into your skin, it's hard to be upset when you're in the sun, unless you get over heated... I always feel this duty to make each sunny day memorable. So I definitely agree with your post.

  21. In response to Shelby:

    Gotta agree with that! It's been a while since I've had a moment of something even just completely random that makes me lose my breath in laughter. Sometimes I even think back on them, and in the middle of a silence I"ll crack up. People stare at me, but oh well!

  22. dancing in the rain:

    Do you know the feeling of warm summer rain on your skin? Do you know the feeling of wearing complete wet cloth? I think it is the best thing you can ever do. Just dance and be yourself. You are just freaking out and in this moment everything seems possible.

  23. Haha Shelby!
    Laughing is one of the best ways to be put in a better mood. Most of my memories are of me and my friends laughing so hard we nearly pass out. And The more good memories you have, the less bad memories you remember :)

  24. In response to Kiara
    When you laugh so hard about a funny thing in the past with your best friend and nearly pass out! I agree with that. Or something funny happens and you laugh so hard and in the morning when you wake up you tummy is killing you and remembering why, you start laughing again.

  25. IN response to Justin:

    "Have you ever looked back on a school year, consider all of the friends you made, the things you did, or even the challenges you overcame, and just been utterly content?"

    I completely agree, at the end of a school year it is amazing but sad to look back, think of all the good times, and how far you have came. It is almost a symbol of life, at a certain part looking back on how far you've been, and all that we can get through, we are all stronger than we think.

  26. In response to Kiara the, " Realizing your mom just went shopping." Quote.

    I love when my mom goes shopping and picks up a whole bunch of snacks that we have ran out of. I get a big smile on my face when my mom goes shopping and picks up a lot of things that we don't have because she noticed and thought about getting it

  27. To sleepy ferret (THE Devon)

    Clean warm sheets are heavenly..
    That is all :)
    -Amy & Kiara

  28. In response to Shelby:

    I loved your sentence, "I can't wait to grow old with wrinkles from past smiles all over my face." I think this sentence is awesome because usually when people talk about growing old and getting wrinkles, it's a bad thing. But your looking at it with a different perspective. When you grow old with wrinkles, its a sign of the past experiences that made you smile.

    It would be funny if a senior pointed to one of their wrinkles and said, "this is from the best day of my life. I spent the whole day smiling."

    Thanks for cheering me up. That sentence just made my life! :)

  29. @ jacob:

    it's so cute. I have a little hostbrother and he does the same. It's incredible to see his awesome smile when you feel his muscels.

  30. You know what is really awesome? Falling asleep to the sound of rain. What is more relaxing then lying in a very warm and comfortable bed and hearing the constant, steady sound of the pattering rain? It is always easier to fall asleep when it is raining. Or if you just want to think, there is a background for all your thoughts and your mind is at ease and peaceful. I love it when it is raining in the night. TOTALLY AWESOME!!

  31. In response to Shalisa
    About the falling dreams then waking up just before you hit the ground. Those dreams give you such an adrenaline rush and shocks you at the same time. You wake up with your heart pounding in your chest and sometimes even sweaty.

  32. @ devon:

    We have no dryer in Germany so I did it here the first time ever. It’s definitely the best feeling to sleep with warm and clean sheets. It’s awesome.

  33. In response to Sarah’s AWESOME comment:

    There’s nothing as awesome as spending some time relaxing with music and leaving yourself to your thoughts. Music’s ability to shape our emotions and ideas is nothing short of a miracle. Even without music to help you daydream, your mind’s ability to entertain itself is incredible. Everyone should be blessed with a good imagination.
    I hope my imagination stays as great as it is today for the rest of my life. It’s too often that I hear about people who “grew up and got serious”, abandoning such childish things as creating and imagining.
    -Justin Jordan

  34. In response to Caitlyn:

    Haha I also find it amazing that the smallest things make us smile. It's the simplest things in life that make us happy. When I wake up in the morning and my little brother makes me laugh, I'm happy for the rest of the day! Like you said, it's weird that those small things can really cheer us up but it's those small things that make our life.

  35. Shalisa: I love dreams like that! My radio turned on once when i was asleep and it was Eminem. My dream turned out so weird, its too hard to even explain.

  36. Caitlyn! Snapping a Snapple all the way. I can't wait to see your face the next time you have one. I have one question for you remember THE. Pink. Snapple?

  37. Shelby...I love your comment! I never even really thought about that until now and it's so true! The way your stomach hurts after you laugh so hard! Its a fantastic feeling

  38. In response to Shalisa’s AWESOME comment

    The very fact that we have dreams is quite awesome. Although I cannot ever recall having the famous “falling dream”, but I have jolted awake out of a very realistic dream more than once. Unfortunately I often forget the dream entirely shortly after awaking, but that’s quite common. When a dream is altered by the wind outside, or a motorcycle revving its engine at 1:00 in the morning, it just adds to the fascination many people have with dreams.

    It’s hard to decide what to make of dreams. Do you try and interpret them? Do you think they reflect your inner thoughts, thoughts you yourself have yet to realize? Or do you not care much for dreams, and brush it of as nonsensical fluff? My thoughts lie somewhere in the middle. Either way, the realistic dream is just plain awesome.

    -Justin Jordan

  39. I was nervous, he was nervous.
    It had been what, 6 months since I've seen or heard his voice? He used to be my best friend. We had changed so much. What if things were awkward? What if there was nothing to talk about? What if we suddenly decided that we now hate eachother and it ended up being a huge mistake even deciding to chat for a bit?

    Regardless, I still answered the phone, and took a deep breath.

    That was enough to strike us both up. We were both laughing so hard, our guts hurt and we couldn't breathe. We never ran out of conversation, and when we did our silence wasn't uncomfortable.
    Just like it used to be.

    I guess some people really are, deep down, best friends forever.

    -I know I took a different approach to this comment, but it was something that recently made me happy. And I figured that was the main point. ;)

  40. THE SUN :)

    Don’t you love the feeling of the sun on your face in the summer? The warm feeling in your soul that you just can’t replace. It’s like a warm feeling, you can’t receive from anyone or anything else, or at least that’s how I feel. Even on a cold day, just a glimpse of the sun can bring my mood up. When the sun and rain collide and become a rainbow, I smile, because it’s so beautiful. Even though you can’t touch the sun, cause you know that would hurt a bit…you can feel it there. On a cloudy day, you can see the sun trying to break through the barrier of clouds. The feeling of the sun can take away all the bad, and that is awesome!

    Heather Coates

  41. In response to Anna:

    I love the sound of rain, and the smell of it on the grass after it rains. I can sleep through the rain, and thunder, and everything. Just not wind!


  42. In Response to Emily:

    That would be an awesome thing! It would be really cool if someone named their kid after you because then you think, hey, they must really like me, or just my name, but whatever it's still awesome either way!


  43. Bunnies in snow:

    I used to have three rabits, and in the winter I would put them in one foot deep snow and watch them try to hop around. They could usually get around; but it looked really funny because they had to jump really high. Or if it was too deep they had to push the snow out of their way. Sometimes we would build little house or mazes for them. Over all, it always made my day.

  44. Feeling sore from a hard day of excercise the day before:

    I love this feeling, you wake up, get out of bed and realize you can barely move, i find it feels so great because everytime i move im reminded of what i did the day before like skiing or snowboarding. It also reminds of how hard you work and how today (normally a sunday after a saturday of hard work) you deserve to just sleep in and be lazy because hey, you just worked really hard yesterday and you deserve a break!

  45. Having your daughter cuddle with you for like fifteen minutes after waking up.

    THE MOST AMAZING thing in the world. Your baby's not sleepy, just wants some Mommy-cuddles. There's not much to describe it. Your heart feels like it could explode with love the first time that happened because you know she's just wanting to watch cartoons and lie with you did when you were a little girl, just cuddling with Mom to watch TV after waking up.
