Thursday, April 21, 2011

Act 4 character blogs

Today we will be doing something a little different with Act 4 (rather than writing a summary/analysis, you will be conducting an interview.

New of Romeo's banishment, Juliet's "death", Tybalt's death and Mercutio's death has reached all of Verona and beyond. You are a journalist working for a paper. Your task will be to pose 5 questions to your character about anything that has taken place in the play (with slightly more emphasis on Act 4, but you are not confined to Act 4). Then, you will need to respond to the questions in your blog post (remember to stay in character!)

Further to this, rather than (or "in addition to" if you are feeling like going "above and beyond") commenting on the other character's blog, I would also like you to pose a question to them about something in the play so far.

Lastly, you will need to answer the questions that other characters have pose to you (again, remember to stay in character).

For all the questions that you do (your own blog and comments to others) please remember to avoid basic recall and reading comprehension questions and, instead, pose higher/deeper-level and critical thinking type of questions.
Have fun! A fantastic job so far!

Please make sure that you have ccompleted both Post Secrets (one for your character and one anonymously for yourself) and completed the 6 level questions (that we did in groups yesterday).

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