Friday, February 25, 2011

Friendships and Hannah

Your post today will involve two parts; respond to each topic (some prompt questions are listed) following the guidelines for what makes a 'good post' (Mostof your posts so far has been extremely good; this is just a reminder). Try and make reference to both the novel and real life situations. Further, remember to comment on two other people's posts.

Part One: Friendship
-What makes a good friend? A Bad one?
- How/Why do friendships begin? How/Why do they develop? How/Why do they end?

Part Two: Hannah
-What is your opinion of Hannah SO FAR in the novel?
-What is your opinion of people's actions towards her?
-What is your opinion of Hannah's actions? (During the events and during her tapes)

Reminder: What makes a good post
•Concise with a specific focus
•Shares thoughts, ideas, or opinions
•Opening grabs the reader's attention while introducing the point of the comment.
•Specific details support information in the comment
•Has a "So What?", theme, lesson, or specific point that attracts the readers' attention
•Demonstrates detailed understanding of the task/topic
•Positive tone engages the reader
•Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization is correct

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Rumours and Gossip

To begin, some great responses so far. If you have not completed the previous blog post, please do so before you begin this post.

Gossip, or rumours, is often viewed as "an unverified account or explanation of events circulating from person to person and pertaining to an object, event, or issue in public concern"
Your task will be to write a response to any of the following questions. As well, I would like you to comment on the issues of gossip/rumours so far in the novel.
Please note the criteria for what makes a good post in the previous post and rememeber to respond to two other people's posts.  
  • Discuss the TMZ, Perez Hilton, Enquirer, and People magazine mindset.
  • Why do we gossip?
  • How does it feel to be talked about?
  • How would it feel if the rumor being spread was untrue?
  • Have you ever had a rumour spread about you or someone that you knew? How did you/they feel?
  • Did you ever spread a rumour? Why? How did you/they feel?
  • What should I do if I hear personal or private stuff about a classmate or friend?
  • What can I do when kids are spreading gossip or rumors about me?
  • Why do you think people gossip so much?
  • When do you think a rumor is hurtful, and when is it no big deal?
  • What can I say to friends who are trying to hurt me with gossip or rumors?
  • What’s the craziest rumor you ever heard? How do you think it got started?

Monday, February 14, 2011


Welcome to the English 10 Pre-AP Blog. This blog will be used for several purposes over the rest of the semester. You may be required to respond to posts, questions, articles, videos, cases, etc. You may be directed to complete mini-assignments on the blog or for in class, using the blog as a reference point for information. When we do work with the blog, you will be aware of it in class; if you are absent from class, please check the blog to see if there was any blog tasks that you needed to complete. Note, though, that not all assignments will be completed through the blog; it is just another resource that we will use.

Your task will be to respond to at least one of the following quotes:

1. "In 2007, 14.5% of U.S. high school students reported that they had seriously considered attempting suicide during the 12 months preceding the survey."

2. "Clay Jensen returns home from school to find a mysterious box with his name on it lying on his porch. Inside he discovers several cassette tapes recorded by Hannah Baker--his classmate and crush--who committed suicide two weeks earlier. On tape, Hannah explains that there are thirteen reasons why she decided to end her life. Clay is one of them. If he listens, he'll find out how he made the list."

3."I swear if there's ever another war, they better just take me out and stick me in front of a firing squad. I wouldn't object. … Anyway, I'm sort of glad they've got the atomic bomb invented. If there's ever another war, I'm going to sit right the hell on top of it. I'll volunteer for it, I swear to God I will."
–from "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, page 141

4."Don't ask me those questions! Don't ask me what life means or how we know reality or why we have to suffer so much. Don't talk about how nothing feels real, how everything is coated with gelatin and shining like oil in the sun."
–from "Girl, Interrupted" by Susanna Kaysen, page 125

5."Then I saw it would be pointless to swim as far as the rock, because my body would take that excuse to climb out and lie in the sun, gathering strength to swim back. The only thing to do was to drown myself then and there. So I stopped."
–from "The Bell Jar" by Sylvia Plath, page 179

6."Death and dying has always been a popular theme for kids," said Josalyn Moran, vice president for children's books at Barnes & Noble. "Kids like to read about situations that are worse than theirs and figure out that 'O.K., my life isn't so bad.'"
—from "A Story of a Teenager's Suicide Quietly Becomes a Best Seller" by Motoko Rich

7."For some teenagers, normal developmental changes, when compounded by other events or changes in their families such as divorce or moving to a new community, changes in friendships, difficulties in school, or other losses can be very upsetting and can become overwhelming. Problems may appear too difficult or embarrassing to overcome. For some, suicide may seem like a solution."
—from the University of Virginia Health System's Web page

Think about:
-what the quote means/its significance
-your reaction to the quote (do you agree/disagree with the quote and why)
-comments, questions and connections that you can make from the quote

When you have created your own response to the statement, I would like you to respond to two of your classmate's posts.

Your responses should be posted in the COMMENTS section of this blog post. Please remember to put your name at the end of your response, so that I know that it was you that completed the task at hand. Top quality responses will include the following information:

•Concise with a specific focus
•Shares thoughts, ideas, or opinions
•Opening grabs the reader's attention while introducing the point of the comment.
•Specific details support information in the comment
•Has a "So What?", theme, lesson, or specific point that attracts the readers' attention
•Demonstrates detailed understanding of the task/topic
•Positive tone engages the reader
•Spelling, punctuation, and capitalization is correct